Statistics tell us that the average resolver typically gives up on attaining their New Year’s goal by the third week of January. If there is one thing we know about human nature, it is that habits are hard to break, but they are also hard to solidify. The good news is that science also tells us that it only takes 60 days to develop a lasting habit or routine. So, these are just some of the reasons hiring a personal trainer in Johns Island, SC might be your ticket for motivation to reach your New Year’s fitness goal.
They Keep You Honest When you make a New Year’s resolution, you can do it silently or you can announce it to the world. Most often, those who are closest to us are not the ones to hold us accountable for things that make our lives more difficult. A personal trainer, however, is someone whose main goal is to hold you to the task. Their job is to keep you reaching your fitness goals. They do that by making you accountable for your declaration of “losing weight” or “getting fit.” A personal trainer won’t let you slide or tell you, “It’s okay if you want to quit today.” Mix Things Up One reason that people usually give up on their weight loss or fitness goals is that they get bored with the same old same old. Everyone comes out of the gate on January 1st with a renewed resolve to hit the gym and trim down, but check out the gym the third week of January and what you will find is a few stragglers who are still at it. A personal trainer will eliminate the boredom that is the biggest motivation-killer there is. A personal trainer can show you new exercises, keep things exciting, and mix it up when you start to look like you’ve had enough. Motivation is found in newness, and a personal trainer can certainly teach you ways to exercise that will bring a little flavor and challenge to your routine. Having Someone in Your Corner You have people in your life who you call when you need a pick-me-up, but unfortunately, we tend to turn to people who tell us what we want to hear. Those closest to us want to make things easier and more comfortable for us. You need someone in your corner who knows that you need encouragement to keep going, not to rest, and to be kind to yourself. It is good to have someone who reminds us to be good to ourselves, but not if it lets us off the hook when they should be holding us to the task. Train Smarter, Not Harder Most of us hit the gym and we do what we are good at or what comes naturally. Unfortunately, those things that come easily to us often do not challenge us in the way that we need to move forward with our fitness goals. Getting into peak condition or losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to work harder; it means that you have to work smarter by targeting those muscles that will turn up your metabolism long after the exercise is done. If you don’t know the science behind what works, it is a good idea to consult with a personal trainer who does! Injury Prevention A common reason people give up in January is that they go at it full speed without first warming up or easing into it. If it has been a while since you have exercised, then it isn’t a great idea to be a weekend warrior and give it your all from the start. A fitness trainer will not only show you new exercises; they will walk you through exercise techniques to ensure that you don’t end up being on the injured list before you even get to see a difference to keep you moving forward. As we head into the new year, 2023 is your time for a change. If you’ve resolved to lose weight before and haven’t stuck to it, hiring a personal trainer in Johns Island, SC might be your secret weapon to reach your fitness goals. Contact us today to get started on becoming the best version of you for the year ahead.
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